MA SODA 2018-2019
401 Workbook
Jorge De Hoyos
- 2019 -
Make it work...
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23 November
Min's feedback from having seen the run the day before...he spoke to me before I got into the studio today...

Panopticon --a major theme for him
-the audience surveying me

There were two shapes or directions in the piece...
Circular – fluttering
Vertical – Trampoline, masturbate pumps/shakes, jumps

An idea to try to escape the circle. I can try to run around but I end up right back inside!

Evolution of ape to human

Darwin’s Evolution via the choreography


Escape from the round, the ricles and from the ground

Mise en Abîme
-light circle
--all is a frame within a frame
---I can work with this more, or be more conscious of it.

Sweat was amazing.

Donna Haraway with kin-making

Idea: sing child song to myself when walking the outer perimeter journey…or scream from fear?

Idea: do baby caetano as a way to address the audience

Idea: do simple hands, but weird energy/expressions with face
Today's studio time I decided I would be lazy and relaxed. I didn't even warm up.

From this lazy and unambitious state came the dancing to this song which then got installed into the final piece and is my favorite section.

The music feels so obvious or perhaps so seductive that I feel vulnerable, exposed and even shy to have people see me enjoy the music or be taken over by the music.

By myself here in the studio I can let myself be free in my expression and even pretend I'm a crazy hippy rocker creep dude from the 60s or something. I love putting on this character fantasy because then I can connect to whatever energy that is...which is a feeling inside me that I actually do want to feel and that I actually am...I just need to allow it to come out. allow myself to express even if it feels too obvious or "not serious".