MA SODA 2018-2019
401 Workbook
Jorge De Hoyos
14 October
- 2019 -
I do too much too fast.

Around 2:09 I like how the movement progresses into a Fred Astaire/Gene Kelly whirlwing sort of twirling…it’s a clear form that travels like a tornado
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I was working on being more grounded in my feet, I think.

Around 1:30 I do a 90degree change of direction and a stark change of state. This works. At the next corner change (1:49), I did a more tension-filled, slower negotiation of where to go (with body twisting, where to put foot, etc), and this was a nice way to see decision-making in the body.

At 2:07 there’s a repetition of the first “roadrunner” movement, but I wobble in balance and this is seen in my upper body and arms and is very nice.

I was getting more cartoony with my choices. I don’t like the cartoony, but I do like the clarity and variety of walks that started to open up.

At 2:55 I begin a process of circular spin out…leading to a mid-point of a wound up body in suspension…I could have held this longer, but this winding up and reversing was a clear trajectory and movement with quality through space…
Thematically here, what can be helpful is to think of duality and binary…that each direction is clear decision towards something and a clear decision away from the opposite. As a way to clarify and inform intentionality in the body.

1:20 recurring roadrunner comes again, but I get more playful with my feet…allowing them to displace in a way that hints towards letting the samba music influence the walk

1:50 I am in a video game character loop of this way or that…nice
Afterwards, I play more intentionally with letting my palm/arm torquing act as a joystick which directs my direction

2:50 I let my upper body ribs start to open up…so the rest of my body becomes involved in a way that becomes more of a visceral/emotional person. Not amazing here, but it’s an element that is nice to come in as the journey unfolds…

3:50 samba hips with explicit walking start. Nice way to cover lots of distance.
After minute 4 I begin to do a lower squat stance with straight strong arms. Around 4:30 I have some nice moves that reveal a completely different body…I see possibility for transformation of this body as it journeys in space…

5:50 I go back to roadrunner, and there’s a resistance from one arm/shoulder that forces me to go in the opposite direction…nice to have a body part act as another agent to influence me.

6:34 I’ve come into a deconstructed mult-directional misfiring samba direction-journeying…nice quality of dancing that brings up potential and chaos

Around minute 7 I bring out an arm for help like shaking a hand…a subtle detail

Ahmed begins to clap as a way to suggest that I stick to a stable rhythm for longer as a way to allow a location to emerge…rather than always changing as is my habit which makes the movement get lost in its own sea of too much

9:36 I begin a sort of dancey samba twirl…it’s nice, but should be sustained to have a sense of trajectory and distance and travel
Before and after Minute 2 I did a sassy look back and held a pose for a moment…this was nice rhythmically for the movement. I can imagine one side being female gender and the other being male…so if I do a small pose then I can reflect the difference between sides…each direction is a specific thing then.

2:35 I start to bring in a nice way to move between sides…like I’m scuttling and picking up my body to bypass a tricky or tense situation

3:25 I introduce violent back and forth switches and later I do the opposite which is to have lost myself into a new state of release and no tension

3:45 I hold my arms and hands as if I’m in a snake line dance holding hands at a wedding…going in a circle. MAYBE nice to bring this image of togetherness but still not

6:00 I do some poses of reaching out for a hand…looks very Meg…not bad and it’s nice in that it presents a situation…but rather than showing a “let down by people” feeling, why not change my intention to something like “yay, us?? Or We could :) “.

Around 7:00 I’m trying to get into an ecstatic state of multi-dimension malfunction…maybe a way to break into a higher vibration out of the journey?

7:40 I shake my head out of it and continue with this head move in a carefree stroll…funny and carefree and very California…I like